Monday, March 3, 2014

Base camp

Before we could pour the concrete pad, we had to do a little prep work and prepare the surface properly and build forms.  We found out that one company would deliver concrete on a Saturday so Troy took a Thursday and Friday off to get us ready.

First was stone - it was delivered to the house and then had to be moved in place. "Oh and I was so disappointed that I couldn't be there to help" she said with bogus sincerity.

The stuff needs to be tamped down - compressed.  You do this with a Wacker - no joke - it's right there!

The next day came the forms - and rebar and wire mesh.  This will tie all the concrete together and make it a cohesive "slab"

By the time I got home from work on Friday, we were ready for concrete delivery which was scheduled for the next morning at 8 am!   The weather forecast looked good.

That evening, we went to our first meeting of the Bayside Harley Owner's Group, our local HOG chapter.  Everyone seemed real nice.  

Later this week, I'll share the concrete pour!  Now that was an experience!  And we've got some shed plans drawn up and a few smaller outside projects lined up as well.  

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