Monday, March 31, 2014

Framing in the Rain

This weekend the goal was to finish the framing and get the roof on.  --- we got some of it done.  Rain prevented us from finishing as we only got a few hours of passable weather each day.  BTW, did you know that drizzle does not mean you don't show up for work???  My "boss" is a slave driver!  I should have known I was in trouble when he bought me a present.

Sapphire Blue Speed Square - the hottest thing on the construction site for the Spring 2014 Season 

So the rafters would sit flat on the top plates, you have to cut an angle.  Easier said than done!

Rafters are all up! You can see how gray the sky is.  At least it was warm.  It started raining pretty steady shortly after this and work came to a halt for the day.

Sunday Morning - still gray sky but we can't let that stop us.  See the extra wood blocking in the walls?  They add rigidity and will make nice "shelves" and/or nailing surfaces on the interior of the shed.  We also did that in the rafters.

Those little studs are called "cripple studs"  more support and nailing surface.

The blocking is offset slightly as the above detail shows.

So all the framing is done.  Weather prevented us from putting the stand board on the roof.  I've never done shingling before.  Just wish the roof wasn't 8 feet off the ground :)

The neighbors keep coming by to check on our progress.  

Friday, March 28, 2014

I've been framed!!

 Framing - in construction, the fitting together of pieces to give a structure support and shape (wikipedia).

Sill plates and studs and rafters will be on today's menu.

We couldn't ask for a better day with temps in the low 70's with sunshine all day.  The wood arrived shortly after 10:30 am and framing began at 11 am!  Troy started without me as I ran a few errands but I was back in time to take up my post as assistant by 11:30 am!

The tools....

Framing nailer - a bit heavy and scary - I need more practice!

tape measure, auger and speed square - some old friends here!

Chop saw - my personal favorite and don't forget your pencil!

The first wall is up.  We built them on the ground and then raised them.  

Two walls up and two to go.  See the header for the door?  The metal strapping helps keep things square.

I'd say that is a good day's work!!!

We didn't get to the rafters.  That is on the schedule for next weekend - weather permitting.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Playing with Blocks

With the pad cured for a week, we were ready to do the concrete block (aka CMU) foundation.

Troy started with the four corners.

Then onto the walls

You have to "tool the joints". They don't look this pretty by themselves.

A project we did while waiting for the concrete to cure was a Heat Pump Hutch.  During cold weather the heat pump freezes up.  Water from the roof drips right down into the unit. We've talked about doing something to protect it for a few years.  Last winter was mild and we didn't have many problems.  This year we've had several snows and had to replace the fan motor which probably burned out when the fan blades froze up.

Our Hut solves the problem.  We did add roofing tiles to the roof.  The lattice lets air in but keeps leaves out.  We had some more snow and sleet later that week and our Hut worked like a charm.  The unit stayed high and dry.

Now for a confession -  I have to admit that I helped very little during this part of the job.  I have discovered that I really dislike block work especially in the cold!!  Instead of doing block work, I took a class on working with chalk/clay paint and learned several finishing techniques.

Here is a picture of one of the projects I did that day.

Next comes framing!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Pour

The base was ready and it was time to pour.

The plan was to have the concrete truck back up on the neighbor's side of the fence (we had his permission) and simply have them dump the concrete.  That was the plan. The truck arrived at 7:45 am.  It was cold and damp.

First the ground was really soggy from repeated snowfalls and a cement truck is heavy.  So he had to stay on keep two wheels on the driveway.  This meant that the shoot didn't reach deep enough into the area to just pour it.  Into the wheelbarrow it went and then Troy dumped it into the area that needed it.  Our neighbor was helping us so he and I moved it around and poked it with the shovel to remove the air.

This is actually a plant and they mix the concrete right on sight to your specifications.  Who knew??

It doesn't quite reach!

 So we go with plan B

 We screened it a few times during the process.

The concrete truck operator was so nice and helpful.  He pitched in a few times.

This was my job.  It's called a Bull float.  This finishing step pushed the aggregate down and levels the concrete.  Troy took these.

We had a concrete pad by 11 am!!  It warmed up some later that day and we had time for a short ride on the bike.

Next come a concrete block foundation.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Base camp

Before we could pour the concrete pad, we had to do a little prep work and prepare the surface properly and build forms.  We found out that one company would deliver concrete on a Saturday so Troy took a Thursday and Friday off to get us ready.

First was stone - it was delivered to the house and then had to be moved in place. "Oh and I was so disappointed that I couldn't be there to help" she said with bogus sincerity.

The stuff needs to be tamped down - compressed.  You do this with a Wacker - no joke - it's right there!

The next day came the forms - and rebar and wire mesh.  This will tie all the concrete together and make it a cohesive "slab"

By the time I got home from work on Friday, we were ready for concrete delivery which was scheduled for the next morning at 8 am!   The weather forecast looked good.

That evening, we went to our first meeting of the Bayside Harley Owner's Group, our local HOG chapter.  Everyone seemed real nice.  

Later this week, I'll share the concrete pour!  Now that was an experience!  And we've got some shed plans drawn up and a few smaller outside projects lined up as well.